Chakma's have been declared as 2nd Class citizen in Mizoram.
Aizawl: In an alleged discriminatory decision taken by Mizoram Govt with reference to the demand of some radical Mizo group (MZP) to place the Chakmas in category-II (2nd Class), the Mizoram Govt has made certain changes in "The Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Higher Technical) Rules 1999" to put the Chakma Students of Mizoram as 2nd Class (Category-II) and Mizos(Zo ethnic) as 1st Class (Category-I). Here is the excerpts of the Mizoram Govt latest NOTIFICATION with reference to STEE and selection of candidates for Higher and Technical Education.
"Children of local permanent residents of the state of Mizoram as category-I". "the term local parmanents' means those who are indigenous people of the state of Mizoram and have been residing parmanently in the state'. This rule does not discriminate between communities.
"Children of local permanent residents of the state of Mizoram as category-I". ''the term local permanents' means those who are indigenous (Zo-ethnic people who are native inhabitants) people of the state of Mizoram and have been residing permanently in the state'.
The new Rule clearly put the Zo ethnic (Mizos only) over the Chakmas.
'Children of non-local parmanent residents of the state of Mizoram as category-II'. This rule is meant for various govt employees who are being posted in Mizoram.
Children of other parmanent residents of the state of Mizoram as category-II'. The NEW RULE further defines "The term other permanent residents' means those who are non-indigenous (Non-Zo-ethnic people who are non-native inhabitants) people of the state of Mizoram and those who are serving under the Government of Mizoram or Government corporation of autonomous bodies under the state of Mizoram, or other recognised organisations and in whose case, it can safely be inferred that they would reside permanently in Mizoram".
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